Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We are lonely souls up in Portland and miss our friends terribly! So far we've only really managed to become acquainted with our across the hall neighbor who frequently helps us haul couches into our apartment. We have four. I think I'm addicted to free stuff on craigslist.

Georgie is happy in his new home and has started cooing once again. He has taken to finding plastic eggs and pom poms throughout the apartment in the night and placing them inside my shoes.

Looking for jobs is as enjoyable as ever. Zack's dad got us a job doing "research" for an AARP article he's writing about the best breweries in America. Basically we got paid to drink free, delicious beer. It was awesome.

My camera battery charger has gone missing and thus I have taken zero pictures since we've been here, except for photobooth.

Here's one from the day Zack and I got nose zits:

1 comment:

Claire said...

Nose zits are the worst. One time when I was 13 I had them constantly for about 3 months. Along with boils on my legs and ass.