Sunday, June 27, 2010

Well, I think it's safe to say that Portland is now officially committed to summer weather. The sun feels good on my pink pasty flesh. Yesterday afternoon I spent some time in a hammock with a tequila infused beverage and a ball of yarn. If Zack had been there it would have been nearly perfect. He works most days from 3 to 11, a change which has been quite difficult to adjust to. Late nights alone do not suit me well and I am struggling to complete the daunting task of leaving the house by myself, although I did take a very liberating drive to and from my brother's house yesterday. I like a good drive now and again.

It is officially birthday season in my family:
June 10 - Georgie Fruit
June 22 - me
June 23 - brother John
June 24 - sister Genevieve
June 30 - Zack + Zack's Mama
July 1 - my Mama

This year is the first that I've actually celebrated together with my siblings. It's been kind of mind blowing getting to know them a bit better which, I think, has helped me to connect some dots in my life that were otherwise scattered.

And how is Georgie Fruit doing you ask? Well, he too is excited about the benefits of warmer weather, the main one being the influx of curious bugs that fly in through the window just out of reach of his furry paws. But sometimes not out of reach..

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